Monday, July 5, 2010


By now I have said everything I could ever have expected to say in this arena. I could go on commenting on current events, but when I made a larger point it would likely be redundant.

Therefore, and because my perfectionism causes me to spend more time and effort on this than I wish to, I am suspending the blog. Conceivably I'll take it up again sporadically or even on a regular basis, but I doubt it. There are things I'd rather devote myself to.

The discipline of getting a posting out every two days has been valuable. So has the clarification in my own mind of what I think about political matters and why.

In signing off, I would make a few key points:

>Liberalism is pragmatic and humane, not ideological. It is the recourse of sane people.

>We have a good president. He is one of the best persons ever to hold the office, and we should be supporting him and should not succumb to the atmosphere of discouragement and pessimism that is being fostered by cowardly and foolish citizens. America has a great future if we claim it.

>Conservatism is a disease of the character, not a legitimate position. Victimization is its essence. Wherever it is in play, someone has to lose so someone else can win. Ultimately it is anti-freedom, too, despite all protestations to the contrary.

>Today's Republican party, the Republicult, is far too neurotic and dangerous to be entrusted with national power. It has gotten worse and worse. There has to be an alternative to it lest the moderate conservative majority within it continue to be passive before its extreme rightist minority. The saner conservatives must be attracted elsewhere and a new center-right party must come into being to state their views and follow their propensities.

>Ross Perot showed that something like that can be achieved. His candidacy was deliberately destroyed by the news media, but that was done apparently for reasons specific to his own person. Another billionaire could inspire and fund a similar effort that might take hold. Someone should give it a try. We cannot afford to remain in a position where the eventual fading of the Dems, which is inevitable, will lead to another Repub administration.

Well, I'm outta here. If you've read me, thank you. I hope I have contributed something to your own cogitations.

And now - whether for the short haul or for keeps - so long.

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